Monday, June 13, 2011

RAW Review For 6/13/2011

Synopsis: This was the go-home show for the Capital Punishment PPV this Sunday. It was also "WWE All-Star Night", which to me is just another reason to show how irrelevant the brand split is. One-off PPV's such as Capital Punishment typically don't draw well in terms of buyrates, and then add to it the fact that it's on Fathers Day, I don't expect a good buyrate at all. Over The Limit did under 70k, which is the worst buyrate since the god-awful December to Dismember PPV that killed ECW once and for all. Over The Limit had a terrible lineup and no good build. Capital Punishment has better of both, but I don't think it'l do much better. Maybe 100k.

Best Match: John Cena vs. CM Punk. It was the only match that lasted more than 5 minutes, so it wins by default. CM Punk was probably the MVP of tonight's show along with R-Truth. The good heels clearly dominate the good babyfaces on both brands in my opinion. Plus Cena lost, so that's a plus in my books.

Worst Match: 7 on 7 Divas Match. The Divas division is such a joke. I argue that no one wants to watch extremely beautiful women wrestle in the first place, but if you're going to insist to have a division, then let them wrestle. No one cares which Bella is the champion and these 2 minute cat fights are officially old. Natalya & Beth Phoenix especially deserve better. I mean, a broadway kick line??? REALLY?! 

Best Moment: CM Punk & Steve Austin interact backstage. This was a tough choice between this segment & R-Truth destroying John Morrison backstage. I went with the Punk/Austin interaction because they proved what people online and across the world have been saying for months... Punk & Austin would have great chemistry together & if Austin wanted to have 1 last run & 1 last great match/program, CM Punk would be the man to do it against. I may not like Punk, but I do agree with this logic. So I pick this segment just on the hopes it leads to something down the road.

Worst Moment: Zack Ryder can't even make RAW in his hometown on a 3 hour show. 90,000 plus views on his YouTube sensation, "Z True Long Island Story", for 17 straight weeks now. For a full week the internet was abuzz about what WWE would do to celebrate this homecoming. EVERYONE was ready to see what was going to happen. 3 Hours later, nothing happened. Despite the "We Want Ryder!" chants all night, despite Twitter blowing up about it, WWE drops the ball. I've been watching wrestling for 22 years and I don't know that I've ever been this disappointed.

Overall Grade: I give this show a 4. For a 3 hour show, the matches were all rushed, I didn't see much done in terms of storyline progression, heading into the PPV next week. I may be biased, but the fact that Ryder didn't make the show really hurts the overall product. Tonight could've been the birth of a star in WWE, but instead it was a middle of the road show that we've seen for months and months now. I'll have a Capital Punishment prediction blog up later this week. Thanks for reading & make sure to follow me on Twitter @FriscoKTank

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